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Thank's a Bunch Mum!

A professionally handtied bouquet of luxury flowers, beautifully presented in our signature eco living vase, you can expect this beautiful bouquet to be brimming with roses, alstroemeria, gerbera and carnations


Everyone’s Mum is different, that’s why we believe they should have their own unique bouquet, therefore, we ask that you choose a style that would best suit their personality and let our creative team do the rest!


Choose from the following style

Florist Choice

Bright & Vibrant

Soft and Subtle

Each of our handtied bouquets are individually crafted by one of our florists to order and therefore the pictures are just for illustration purposes. Main Picture is an example of LARGE Bright & Vibrant


Thank's a Bunch Mum!

PriceFrom £54.95
  • Please note we do not offer timed delivery slots.

    Commencing 24th March through to 31st March our delivery schedule will run from 9am to 7pm to accommodate additional Mother’s Day deliveries. All our deliveries will be completed within this timeframe and business addresses will be prioritised for delivery before 5pm. As we are extremely busy at this time, we ask that you do not call or email for delivery updates as our team will only be able to provide you with the information advertised here.


    Please note that at peak times, our drivers follow an optimised route for efficient delivery, therefore a close address won’t always mean early delivery. If you require your flowers in the AM we recommend collecting your order or arranging delivery the day before.


    Delivery Zone (See FAQ’s for a map)

    We only deliver our fresh flowers personally by hand within a 12 mile radius of our store. If you live outside our delivery radius, please choose the Click & Collect option for collection.


    Rates (choose from the drop down at checkout)

    BT1 to BT18 deliveries are charged at £5.95

    BT19+ deliveries are charged at £10 up to a 12 mile radius from our store.

    Courier from £6 – Choose the courier option at checkout, this option is only for plants & giftware, FRESH FLOWERS ARE EXCLUDED, courier orders are fulfilled Tuesday to Thursday and are delivered next working day. NI & ROI only, for GB please call for quote.


    Click & Collect - You can order your flowers online in advance for store collection. We will send you an order confirmation with your collection date and time. Please note for collections we will be offering 2 collection slots at our Ormeau Road store, 10am and 2pm. You will receive a confirmation email with your allocated slot for earlier collection we recommend ordering for the day before.


    Orders placed for delivery outside our coverage area and where collection is not possible will be refunded minus our payment providers transaction fee.


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