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The Memento Plant Repotting Guide

Most people love plants, but not all of us know where to start! Repotting is the first thing a new plant parent needs to get to grips with. When you've repotted a plant perfectly it is able to take up more water, take root quicker and grow faster - plus it'll just be happier! So here at Memento we thought we would give you a step-by-step foolproof guide to repotting for contented, healthy plants.

If you have never repotted a plant before, you might like to try our repotting kit. This includes:

  • Cactus/Succulent or Multipurpose Potting Mix depending on your plant

  • 5L of Hydrojorrels for drainage

  • 1m of kraft paper to help with the mess

  • A step-by-step guide on repotting

Before you begin make sure you have the following:

  • A clear space or workbench to work at

  • Plenty of kraft or newspaper for easy soil cleanup

  • A bag of pot stones to help with drainage

  • A pot that allows the nursery pot (the plastic one) to sit inside comfortably, or even bigger to give your plant room to grow

  • A bag of fresh soil

  • A trowel or a big spoon

  • Water and plant food mix

  • If you've had your nails done recently, some gloves might come in handy!

How to Repot Your Plant


Lay out your Kraft or newspaper to help keep your work area tidy - you'll be able to scrunch up the paper with the excess soil after the repotting process. Work smarter, not harder!


Make sure the new pot you are putting your plant in is bigger than the nursery pot it comes in. A good guide is to try and pop the nursery pot and plant into the pot you've selected - if it fits in fully, you have a good-sized pot. However, it's always a good idea to size up if you can to give your plant room to grow.


Flex and squeeze your nursery pot to loosen up the soil and the plant's root system. Then, gently remove the plant from the pot. At this point, soil will fall out but don't panic!


Next, you'll need to break up the root system of the plant - this is to make sure the roots will grow into the new soil. You don't want to tear or break the roots, just gently untangle them with your fingers until most of the roots are visible, like in this picture.


Now we need to turn our attention to the new pot. Firstly, we need to place a layer of hydrokorrels (or grit stones if you're in a push) at the base of the pot, roughly 1 inch deep. This layer provides drainage, which means your plant won't be sitting in moisture - this is really important, as too much moisture can cause root rot.


Next, place a base layer of soil over the hydrokorrels, pop your plant in the pot, and add soil in the gaps. You're going to want to fill your pot until there is 1cm left between the soil and the lip of the pot.


Lastly, your newly repotted plant is going to need a good drink. If you have any plant food, pop some in the water to give your plant some extra nutrients. Be careful not to overwater - any excess will sit in the bottom layer of drainage, but if too much water is added past this point, your plant could develop root rot.


And... voilà! You've successfully repotted your first plant. Find a spot in your home that gives your plant the right amount of light: for example, this Monstera Deliciosa loves a bright spot with indirect sunlight. If you're unsure of the light requirements needed, search for your plant on our website, and its light preference will be in the description.

Your plants would be giving you a big 'Thank You!' if they could, but they can't because... well... they're plants. So, we are saying thanks on their behalf! Thank you for being a great plant parent :)

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